
BOPET Film Global Supply Demand Report 2020

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An evaluation of the supply and demand trends in the US$11.3 billion global BOPET film market

The global BOPET film market is now a US$11.3 billion industry, which is seeing significant amounts of additional installed capacity, especially in Asia. Our Global Supply Demand Report is the most comprehensive and up-to-date market study on the production, consumption and global producers

Inside this report:

  • Coronavirus: Which end-use sectors have seen demand fall due to the pandemic, and which have seen a temporary boost?
  • Sustainability: Will the drive for more recyclable material restart after coronavirus pushed it to one side?
  • Movers and shakers: Thick film products will struggle, while thin film will see stronger growth. Why? Long-term outlook for global supply and demand to 2024
  • The ones to watch: Profiles of the 20 leading producers
  • Production and consumption. Which countries are most reliant on imports and which are the largest exporters?

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Wood Mackenzie Chemicals content subscribers have the opportunity to buy not only this report, but also the complete data set as a downloadable XLS file, so that they can do their own analysis. Contact us via the button at the top of the page to find out more.

Reports are also available for BOPA and BOPP  markets.

Did you know?

Traditional sectors are in decline – but are being replaced

As digital technologies become cheaper, the use of BOPET film for imaging and graphics has dwindled over the last two decades. In medical imaging, laser-film technology means x-rays can be printed without the need for dark rooms and chemicals to develop film. Overall though, the global thick film market (50 micron and over) continues to grow – due to increased demand for film coverings of flat-screen televisions and solar panels.

Companies are caught in two minds over sustainability

Major converters of packaging are hesitating over making large investments due to the risk of ‘backing the wrong horse’ and making a wrong decision that could take many years to unwind. Our research showed a high level of interest in making packaging more sustainable – with numerous trials and pilot schemes either live or in the pipeline – but so far very few bulk orders.

Dramatic changes in Russia

The Russia and Caspian region has historically relied on imports to meet demand but is now seeing a distinct drive across the packaging supply chain to replace imports with domestic production. Uflex is moving a line from its plant in the United Arab Emirates to Russia. Significant new capacity is expected to come onstream during 2020.

Read the full report for detailed information and charts on each market.

Got a question about this report?

Rob Gilfillan, Head of Applications – Fibres, Films & Flexible Packaging, and his team will be happy to answer your queries. Get in touch by filling in the form at the top of this page.

An essential dataset for anyone wanting a detailed understanding of the world BOPET film market, and is seeking to minimise risks in their planning of a sustainable competitive strategy over the next 5 years.

Gain insights into supply/demand trends and key growth drivers through to 2024 in this 5.3 million tonne market. Our forecasts predict that growth will slow to a CAGR of 4.6% p.a. over the next five years with Asia continuing as the powerhouse.

Table of contents

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Tables and charts

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  • Document

    Films - BOPET Film Global Annual Supply Demand Report_2020.pdf

    PDF 2.42 MB