
Midstream 'March Madness'

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In this insight we consider a single case study in the Niobrara key play. By overlaying gathering, processing and midstream infrastructure with the upstream tools and analysis, the magnitude of impact on infrastructure can be determined. Using various Wood Mackenzie data and analytical tools (The Well Analysis Tool, North American Company Play Analysis Tool and North America Gas Service), we look at both the gas supply forecast downgrades driven by our upstream economics in parallel with distressed companies and their gas and NGL production outlooks in the play. Layering compression, gathering, processing and tariffs to production volumes, we can see the revenue at risk in the play and sub-play and company. With available pipeline maps and data, we can link gathering and midstream risk to changing supply and legal dynamics associated with upstream operations.

Table of contents

    • Growth in DJ Basin production, but at a slower than anticipated rate
    • Sub-play economics as operators focus on the 'core of the core'
    • Niobrara sub-play production and processing capacity
    • Distressed company well-by-well analysis
    • Natural gas and product pipelines
    • Downside to 2016-2017 gathering, processing and transport revenue
    • Conclusions

Tables and charts

This report includes 1 images and tables including:

  • An excerpt from the downloadable report shows existing gathering pipelines and forecasted production by Niobrara sub-play.

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Midstream March Madness.pdf

    PDF 3.79 MB