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Five reasons why polyethylene markets are largely resilient in 2020
Coronavirus has hit the world economy. Wood Mackenzie expects global GDP growth in 2020 will contract by 5.4%, and this is already weighing on the ...
European propylene: walking the tightrope of supply vs demand
Wood Mackenzie is forecasting a structural net loss of propylene capacity in Europe via the rationalisation of European steam crackers through the ...
A Clash of Titans: Indian and Chinese BOPET film producers’ strategic expansion differences
BOPET film capacity additions over the next five years to 2025 are dominated by Chinese and Indian producers. However, these two giants have very d...
CPChem and QatarEnergy blaze ahead to add 20% of US HDPE capacity
CPChem and Qatar energy have confirmed plans of building the world's largest integrated ethylene-polyethylene complex in Orange, Texas. The project...
Olefins - Butyl Glycol Ethers Global Study - 2017
The market structure at the time of start up will have several regions importing material from the US with the largest amount of butyl glycol ether...
TOTAL announces third olefins project in as many months
Total's announcement around plans for a new world-scale propane dehydrogenation (PDH) plant in Algeria, follows closely from announcements around n...
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