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LNG short-term outlook: June 2024
European TTF prices have remained broadly flat over June, despite more downtime at LNG plants and additional maintenance in Norway. Strong procurem...
Global gas & LNG weekly summary: 20 June 2024
Disruptions at Australian facilities prompted July TTF prices to settle at around $11.1/mmbtu, the highest level seen since last year. Reduced LNG ...
Hitachi - LNG regas terminal
In July 2012, Tokyo Gas began construction of an LNG terminal at Hitachi City in Ibaraki Prefecture, around 130 kilometres northeast of Tokyo. Oper...
Dragon - LNG regas terminal
The Dragon LNG terminal is located in South Wales, near the South Hook LNG terminal. The terminal received its first cargo in July 2009 and commerc...
Global gas & LNG weekly summary: 13 June 2024
July TTF prices remained steady this week, closing at approximately $10.7/mmbtu. The cross-basin arbitrage between Northeast Asian DES and TTF narr...
Global Short-term LNG Supply Tracker (Q3 2024)
NFE Altamira has reportedly shipped its first cargo in August, while Golar LNG expects Tortue FLNG's first cool-down cargo imminently. Two LNG tank...
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