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Macroeconomics, risk and global trends Insights reports
Asia and Oceania Industrial Production data Q3 2015
Wood Mackenzie forecasts annual Industrial Production (IP) indices to the year 2035 for 12 key economies in Asia and Oceania. Forecasts are updated...
Africa Industrial Production data Q2 2016
Wood Mackenzie forecasts annual Industrial Production (IP) indices to the year 2035 for Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa. Forecasts are updated on a...
Congo: Political uncertainty undermines appeal
Wood Mackenzie's sister company, Verisk Maplecroft, examines the upcoming tender and identifies political risk issues potential new entrants should...
Global economic outlook H1 2021: the great rebound?
Covid-19 vaccination programmes are elevating expectations of a return to ‘normal’ for the global economy. Is 2021 to be the great rebound? After a...
Economic focus: Will China's housing revival boost GDP growth?
Looser credit and supportive demand measures are breathing life into China's property market once more. In the first four months of 2016, housing s...
Coronavirus impact briefing: week ending 24th April
Energy and natural resources sectors are having to deal with the combined forces of the coronavirus pandemic, the oil price crash and an impending ...
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