Aluminium outlook reports
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Aluminium outlook reports
Pre-LME Week 2021 Aluminium briefing
This time of year would normally see those involved in the mining, processing, financing and selling of Base Metals converging on London. Akin to t...
Jonquière (Arvida) (S) aluminium smelter
Jonquière was the second aluminium smelter to be built in Canada. Søderberg production ended in 2004. The closure of the Søderberg lines at Jonquiè...
Bayside (P) aluminium smelter
Bayside is one of the two primary aluminium smelters in South Africa. Søderberg production at Bayside was ended in 2008. Wood Mackenzie’s asset rep...
Coronavirus impact briefing: week ending 24th April
Energy and natural resources sectors are having to deal with the combined forces of the coronavirus pandemic, the oil price crash and an impending ...
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