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Commodity Market Report

The oil market softened at the start of the week amid concerns over the delay in timing of rate cuts by the Fed amid higher US inflation coupled wi...

Commodity Market Report

The excel files associated with this report provide an update to our short-term products prices and margins forecasts. Prices and margins for March...

Commodity Market Report

This monthly update incorporates price forecasts and differentials, with crude runs, refining margins and product-by-product supply-demand balances...

Commodity Market Report

This update incorporates all of the regional crude runs and product-by-product supply-demand balances through to end-2025 on a regional level. Febr...

Commodity Market Report

This monthly update incorporates price forecasts and differentials, crude runs, refining margins and product-by-product supply-demand balances thro...

Commodity Market Report

This monthly update incorporates crude runs, refining yields and product-by-product supply-demand balances through to end-2025 for Latin America. W...

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