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An electric vehicle revolution

Europe has seen 160,000 EVs flood the market in the past three years

1 minute read

Electric vehicles are rising in global popularity, but a number of roadblocks remain. What role will the government play in full EV adoption? What are the main barriers to going mainstream?

The European EV fleet could rise to nearly 20 million passenger cars by 2025. But much of that depends on external factors like government subsidies and increased pressure on emissions. Norway's extensive array of tax exemptions make EVs cheaper than conventional gasoline cars. In Germany, the government is introducing a cash subsidy this year, while the Netherlands and Norway consider a zero emissions policy for new cars by 2025.

Are all electric vehicles created equal?

Here are some fun facts we've discovered through our research of electric vehicles:

  • The Renault Zoe became the best selling all-electric vehicle (AEV) in Europe in 2015, while the Mitsubishi Outlander now dominates the market for plug-in hybrids.
  • The Renault Zoe overtook the Nissan Leaf to become the best selling AEV in the Europe in 2015, accounting for nearly one third of sales.
  • The luxury Tesla Model S is now the third most popular AEV in the Europe, with sales more than doubling between 2014 and 2015.
  • The Tesla Model S is also the best selling AEV worldwide, selling over 50,000 units in 2015 and pushing the Nissan Leaf into second place with 43,000 units sold globally.
  • The Mitsubishi Outlander dominates the plug-in hybrid market, accounting for nearly 40% of sales in Europe in 2015, and is also the most popular hybrid globally, generating sales of 39,000 units worldwide.

With the rise in popularity, infrastructure struggles to keep pace. What will prevent wider EV adoption? What are the biggest obstacles left to face before going mainstream? Find out in our infographic, Electric Vehicles: Is the European market on the verge of a breakthrough?

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