Gas & LNG

Data-driven solutions, delivered with expert insights


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Gas & LNG

Data-driven solutions, delivered with expert insights

Connecting markets and assets - The Wood Mackenzie advantage

Understanding the interconnectivity between market analysis and assets is crucial for effectively building a comprehensive view of the Gas & LNG industry. It is precisely this understanding that has made Wood Mackenzie's gas & LNG analysis industry-leading. Our commitment to in-depth insights, supported by robust data offerings, thorough research, and comprehensive consulting services, allows us to provide unparalleled value and reliable information to our customers.


Discover Gas & LNG products

Global Gas Service

Global gas outlooks and insight to build a strategic view of the market

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LNG Service & Tool

A unique perspective on the global LNG market to develop a deep understanding of key projects and market forces.

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LNG Short-term Analytics

Understand the near-term dynamics of the LNG market to make informed strategic decisions.

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LNG Corporate Service

Gain a corporate perspective on investments in LNG to mitigate risks and optimise your position.

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Biomethane/RNG Service

Expert insight into the biomethane / renewable natural gas (RNG) market to identify opportunities, mitigate risks, and support investment and decarbonisation strategies.

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Global Gas and LNG Executive Summary

Keep a finger on the pulse of the global gas and LNG market.

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Global Gas Model

The Global Gas Model runs global gas market simulations under various supply, demand, piped, storage, contract sales and producer behaviour assumptions.

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North America Gas Service

Gain a holistic view of the US and Canadian gas markets — and a clear competitive advantage — with detailed supply, demand, and price forecasts.

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Southern Cone Gas, Power & Renewables Service-cn


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European Energy Service-cn


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China Gas & Power Service-cn


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Southeast Asia Gas & Power Service-cn


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Mexico Natural Gas

Get a comprehensive, granular view of Mexican natural gas, including proprietary monitoring, balancing and forecasting​.

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Mexico Gas, Power & Renewables Service-cn


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Integrate with your workflow

Lens Gas & LNG -Wood Mackenzie's data analytics platform empowers decisions with an integrated global view connecting markets and assets. It is built to deliver insights at key decision points in your end-to-end workflows and allows you to quickly and easily access data, research, and reports that cut across commodities.

Data also available via Wood Mackenzie Portal & API.

LNG Carrier Terminal, with vast pipelines to carry the gas.

How Wood Mackenzie's Gas & LNG solutions can help you


Lens Gas & LNG

Lens Gas & LNG is the single source for exploring industry data alongside leading expertise, analyses, and modelling insights to enable faster, more accurate operational and strategic level planning and portfolio management decisions.

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Gas & LNG Consulting

Wood Mackenzie Gas & LNG Consulting offers expert-based advisory services with a global team of experienced consultants leveraging industry-leading data and research. We support industry players and financiers across the gas and LNG value chain and around the world to find and develop opportunities and manage risks in the most dynamic energy sector.

  • Transaction support
  • Commercial advisory
  • Strategic advice
  • Business environment & market evaluation
Empower Your Teams to Work Together More Effectively. A Female Business team leader present on new business workflows with her team for brainstorm ideas to manage customer project.

How can the gas and LNG industry help solve the energy quadrilemma?

Gas, LNG & The Future of Energy Conference

22-23 October 2024, London, UK

Explore some of our gas & LNG articles
