
Nickel: 5 things to look for in 2024

Predictions for the year ahead

1 minute read

Adrian Gardner

Principal Analyst, Nickel Markets

Adrian is a principal research analyst with our Nickel Metal Service, providing a global view of the industry.

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Politics and margins will disrupt both nickel and stainless supply this year, bringing about asset closures and corporate consolidation – perhaps even in China. Where such action might not be the best option available, industry organisations will turn to governments for help.

And in the much-vaunted nickel demand area of batteries, performance improvements in iron chemistries are prompting many consumers in both energy storage and electric vehicles to take a second look at what was long-perceived to be an 'inferior' product.

In this report, we draw on insight from the Nickel Research Suite to pick out some of the key areas we will be watching closely in 2024. This includes: 

  • The EU’s CBAM kicks in: protectionism or environmental protection?
  • India’s stainless policy: another stab at protectionism
  • LFP re-stating its case in energy storage
  • And more. 

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