News Release

Wood Mackenzie’s new data technology transforms upstream valuations

Powerful global asset valuation tool launches on Lens® data analytics platform

1 minute read

Natural resources research and consultancy Wood Mackenzie launches the world’s first Global Upstream Valuation solution, enabling organisations to value assets around the globe in seconds.

Lens® brings Wood Mackenzie’s up-to-date global data sets and trusted models together in an integrated cloud interface with built-in screening, valuation, and visualisation tools, paired with critical analytics solutions.  

Drawing on Wood Mackenzie’s extensive data sets and unparalleled sector expertise, the new Lens Global Upstream Valuations solution analyses oil and gas data from around the world, providing up-to-the-minute insight into exploration and production opportunities.

Wood Mackenzie Lens® is a game-changer, allowing customers to create company or asset valuations in seconds, wherever they are in the world, using its powerful search functionality and a detailed mapping interface.

Pre-populated with best-in-class data, Global Upstream Valuations offers a streamlined workflow that can be customised with the user’s own assumptions. Uniquely, the solution includes the live fiscal model that connects benchmark prices to net present value using powerful contextual search and flexible filtering.

Karen Padir, Wood Mackenzie’s Chief Product Officer, said: “Having access to the latest digital tools and expertise – especially in the complex and evolving energy sector – is absolutely vital for ensuring efficiency, productivity, agility and flexibility.”

Seamlessly integrating with other Lens® solutions, Global Upstream Valuations enables users to filter, analyse, benchmark and value an asset or company in the same environment, while also tracing and editing data and valuation models.

Ms Padir added: “Our new tool completes this at lightning speed, and multiple valuations can be run in seconds rather minutes, which means less data validation and more insightful analysis, and thus improved decision-making.

“We’re thrilled to offer all our customers a secure, fast platform in Global Upstream Valuations, enabled as it is through the cloud.

“This means our customers can use the tool, secure in the knowledge they can carry out parallel process calculations anywhere and at any time – and get the results they’re looking for in minutes.”

As the same source data and calculation logic is used, valuation data will be consistent, connected and aligned across all Lens® solutions.

With the addition of the Global Upstream Valuations module to the Lens® suite of applications, Wood Mackenzie marries market-leading technology with real-time data processing and a world-class analytics platform.

Wood Mackenzie’s Lens® platform is an invaluable decision-making tool, harnessing the power of big data to provide answers to complex questions, enabling customers to manage their operations, processes, and capital swiftly and efficiently, wherever they are.