Products & services

Lens Gas & LNG Markets Forecast

Integrated outlook incorporating global and regional prices, supply, demand, and trade

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Investigate opportunities and risks in gas & LNG markets

Lens Gas & LNG Markets Forecasts is a key workflow of our Lens Gas & LNG data analytics platform, that lets you explore our enhanced base case market forecasts in a fast and intuitive visualisation platform. This enables your team to quantify risk and identify opportunities through understanding market dynamics and their impact on the strategic direction of your business.

For details on how your data is used and stored, see our Privacy Notice.

Features and workflows

Lens Gas & LNG Markets Forecast combines enhanced base case market outlooks and market fundamentals data with functionality to derive insights and support customer workflows.

Key features of Wood Mackenzie's Lens Gas & LNG Markets Forecast:

  • Enhanced base case forecasts.
  • Fast data filtering.
  • Intuitive charting capabilities and flexible data displays.
  • Custom map layers.
  • Presentation-ready outputs.

Wood Mackenzie's Lens Gas & LNG Markets Forecast provides data on:

Customisable visualisations

  • Dynamic, intuitive, & flexible charting capabilities and data displays.
  • Fast data filtering with the ability to seamlessly navigate through geographic and temporal horizons.
  • Fast and efficient with presentation-ready outputs.
  • Share your work and easily collaborate with collegues.


Explore and compare Wood Mackenzie’s base case market analysis

  • The industry standard for price, supply, demand, and trade forecasts.
  • 30-year Strategic Planning Outlook - comprehensive view of long-term market trends, supply-demand balances, and trade implications.
  • 10-year Investment Horizon Outlook- focuses on market reactions to investment cycles for business planning, origination, and development opportunities.

Wood Mackenzie's Lens Gas & LNG Markets Forecast enables a number of key workflows including:

  • Understand market fundamentals to see how gas & LNG markets will grow and change over a medium to long term planning horizon.
  • Develop a resilient business strategy and enhance decision-making processes with insights into the expected future gas and LNG market dynamics.
  • Support operational planning, forecast revenue, identify opportunities and risks, and understand customers.
  • Understand how markets balance and what drives global gas & LNG prices.
  • Identify key market constraints and risks to inter-regional flows.

Why choose WoodMac's Lens Gas & LNG Markets Forecast?

Integrated – Our market outlooks are aligned across all commodities, with analysis crafted by a global team collaborating closely with regional sector experts to establish unparalleled industry depth and breadth of knowledge. This integrated approach enables us to offer you a consistent and considered Wood Mackenzie view.

Cross-commodity solution – Actively developed with the addition of more high-value data, content, and functionality, as well as through the integration of other commodity data, with the goal of delivering an end-to-end workflow solution.

Transparent – We provide visibility on the full range of assumptions that feed our models and our customers get full access to our analysts for ad hoc discussions and custom presentations.

Frequently asked questions

Here you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have on Wood Mackenzie's Lens Gas & LNG Markets Forecast. If you have any other questions, get in touch.

The Strategic Planning Outlook (SPO) & Investment Horizon Outlook (IHO) are both updated annually, and Lens Gas & LNG Markets Forecast customers will have access to all related insights and reports.

When updates are released, customers are invited to attend webinars to interact with our analysts as they discuss changes to the base case.

Lens Gas & LNG Markets Modelling (Forecasts+)

  • Customise and create “what-if” scenarios.
  • Modify parameters such as supply, demand.
  • Visualise the impact on trade and price.
  • Compare scenarios to WM base case.
  • Runs in seconds, enabling quick insight into major market shifts.


Lens Gas & LNG Assets Discovery

Screen & benchmark global LNG assets from including:

  • Regas terminals & liquefaction plants.
  • Pipelines.
  • Upstream fields.
  • LNG Contracts.
  • Project tracking.
  • Shipping.

Your success is our success!

We offer onboarding and training for Lens Gas & LNG with ongoing direct access to our analysts & industry leading research to keep ahead of market trends and dynamics. Delivering a quick turnaround on requests and queries, consider us an extension of your team!

Contact an expert

Contact us to learn more about how Lens Gas & LNG Markets Forecasts helps you understand market fundamentals to guide your business strategy and enhance decision-making processes with access to enhanced base case market outlooks in a powerful visualisation platform.

For details on how your data is used and stored, see our Privacy Notice.
Aerial view of the LNG natural gas terminal at sunset in Fujian Province, China. carbon footprint, energy, heavy industry

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