Identify investment opportunities and make informed strategic decisions
Mexico Gas and Power Service offers in-depth insights into the natural gas, power, and renewables industries. Backed by robust data, long-term market analysis, and proprietary modelling capabilities, it enables you to identify the right opportunities and make well informed strategic and investment decisions.
Features and workflows
Mexico Gas & Power Service is an integrated solution offering comprehensive commercial data, robust modelling, and energy market analysis which includes insights into renewable energy.
Key features of Wood Mackenzie's Mexico Gas & Power Service:
- Long-term outlooks.
- Monthly market fundamental data updates.
- Historical market data and infrastructure analysis.
- Annual industry overviews.
- Access to expert analysts, ad-hoc insights, and market scenarios.
Wood Mackenzie's Mexico Gas & Power Service provides data on:
Long-term gas & power outlook
- 30-year Strategic Planning Outlook (SPO) – Long-term forecasts with a comprehensive view into market trends, supply-demand balances, and trade implications.
Monthly updated dashboard
- The latest history for supply, demand, and prices for gas, LNG, and power.
Comprehensive coverage
- Historical and future prices for gas and power
- Detailed analysis of gas pipelines, regasification terminals, and natural gas processing plants.
Annual industry overviews
- Provides a snapshot of the current state of the sector, important regulations, and the role of different agencies.
- Includes up-to-date commercial intelligence such as pricing formulas, breakeven costs, and more.
Wood Mackenzie's Mexico Gas & Power Service enables a number of key workflows including:
Gas & power market analyst / strategic planning / business development
- Understand the regional gas & power market dynamics, evolution, and interplays.
- Analyse regulatory, economic, and technological uncertainties of market fundamentals.
- Use the provided data as inputs for your own models.
- Benchmark internal forecasts against the Wood Mackenzie view for a “second opinion” or third party view.
- Identify infrastructure investments opportunities.
Why choose WoodMac's Mexico Gas & Power Service?
Integrated: Our robust modelling uses Aurora and our proprietary Gas Network Flow Model to simulate the supply and transport gas flows.
Transparent: Our customers get full access to our analysts for ad hoc discussions and custom presentations, plus visibility on the full range of assumptions that feed our models.
Comprehensive: We cover gas and electricity spot market prices, regulated prices, historical and future supply, and demand drivers for both natural gas and power.
Frequently asked questions
Here you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have on Wood Mackenzie's Mexico Gas & Power Service. If you have any other questions, get in touch.
Along with our global outlooks, the Mexico Gas & Power Service 30-year Strategic Planning Outlook (SPO) is updated annually.
Our integrated solution consists of robust modelling capabilities with inputs from across the gas, power, and renewables sectors. We utilize an hourly, unit-by-unit power dispatch model together with our proprietary Gas Network Flow Model simulating the pipeline network.
Your success is our success!
Gain direct access to our analysts & industry leading research to keep ahead of market trends and dynamics. Delivering a quick turnaround on requests and queries, consider us an extension of your team!
Contact an expert
Gain a comprehensive view of Mexico’s gas, LNG, power, and renewables markets. Contact our regional experts for more information on how our data, analysis, and insights can help you make more informed strategic and investment decisions.