Maritime Commodity Reports
Anticipate price movements and market trends with real-time tracking of a wide range of commodities
Gain unrivalled insights with high value commodity reports
Organisations in the maritime and commodity industries require an accurate and granular up-to-date global view of product movements. Anticipate market trends and improve decision making with our historical database and unique commodity reports.

Features and workflows
Go beyond vessel tracking data with analyst reports on crude oil movements, refined products, biodiesel and ethanol.
Key features of Wood Mackenzie's Maritime Commodity Reports:
- Comprehensive overview of waterborne movements worldwide.
- Weekly updates of product movements including flows from the ARA and Baltic regions to the Rhine and key Transatlantic terminals.
- The most frequent data available in the market for U.S. fertiliser production and transportation.
- Expert and timely LNG market insights to support decision-making.
- Complete database of global shipping positions and movements.
Wood Mackenzie's Maritime Commodity Reports provides data including:
- Five-week outlook on expected U.S. imports with volumes by PADD.
- Data on refined product flows from the ARA and Baltic regions to key Trans-Atlantic terminals.
- 70 US Gulf Coast ethanol tanks and tank-by-tank storage inventory data.
- 8+ Russian load terminals covered and 9+ Russian crude streams tracked.
Wood Mackenzie's Maritime Commodity Reports enables a number of key workflows including:
- Make strategic trading decisions with timely market intelligence and analysis.
Cost savings:
- Find efficiency and cost savings with comprehensive weekly updated datasets and reports.
Market trends:
- Identify trends in an ever-changing marketplace for a wide range of commodities.
Stat analysis:
- Constantly improve your modelling, assessments and statistics analysis to remain agile to market movements.
Commodity insights:
- Gain insight into waterborne movements using Maritime Commodity Reports.
Why choose WoodMac’s Maritime Commodity Reports?:
Our analysts combine VesselTracker AIS data with other Wood Mackenzie and third-party information to create unique reports that help you anticipate market changes and improve decision making in your sector. Gain unrivalled insights with high value commodity reports in addition to the world’s most complete database of global shipping positions and movements.
Frequently asked questions
Here you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have on Wood Mackenzie’s Maritime Data Services. If you have any other questions, get in touch.
Our timely and customisable API and data delivery solutions allow you to select exactly what you need across service categories to optimise your workflow.
All data is validated and cleansed to ensure optimal quality and can be delivered through API (REST and SOAP), sFTP and NMEA data streams.
Our Maritime Commodity Reports can be useful to many sectors and roles, such as commodity traders, analysts, investment banks and institutional investors, transportation and shipping professionals, assets owners and risk managers.
Contact an expert
Whether you’re looking to identify new opportunities or threats, improve operational performance or monitor the commodity market, get in touch with one of our experts to learn how our Maritime Commodity Reports can provide you with crucial insight into vessel and waterborne crude volumes.