Skyscraper from the pavement

Why partner with Wood Mackenzie Chemicals Conferences?

Three reasons to partner with Wood Mackenzie Chemicals Conferences

Sponsorship opportunities

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Chemicals Conferences at Wood Mackenzie

Wood Mackenzie organises several conferences throughout the year globally and attracts over 400 petrochemicals industry professionals, with specialist events on the olefins, polyester and thermoplastics chains.

Three reasons to partner with us

Expertise showcase

Be part of the conference story and share your most recent findings and challenges with industry peers. Unveil your thought leadership expertise and distribute your latest white papers to a crowd of targeted individuals.

Brand exposure

Have the opportunity to promote your brand and products at our conferences and network with professionals within procurement, sales, marketing and research.

Increase your network

Benefit from exclusive networking opportunities organised by Wood Mackenzie to enhance your brand and make new connections with key individuals globally.

Meet influencers and decision makers from both upstream and downstream petrochemical organisations and build long lasting relationships.

To discuss Event Sponsorship opportunities, please contact us using the form or send us an email.

  • 400+

    Attendees from across the chemicals industry

  • 200+

    Companies attending

  • 40+

    In depth presentations, panel discussions and Q&A sessions

  • 10+

    Hours of networking


Sponsor the Wood Mackenzie Chemicals and Polymers Conference and be a part of the story.