Products & services

LNG Corporate Service

Gain a corporate perspective on investments in LNG to mitigate risks and optimise your position. Also analyse and benchmark key global LNG players and uncover how they may use their portfolios over the next decade.


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Enhance your view of the LNG landscape

Corporate dynamics in the LNG industry are evolving, and understanding the positions and strategies of the major LNG players is crucial for you to maintain a competitive edge.

Our LNG Corporate Service provides in-depth analysis and forward looking insight on how the portfolios and strategies of the key LNG players are evolving, allowing you to understand your counterparties, make informed strategic decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

Features at a glance

Add another dimension to your LNG research by incorporating in-depth analysis of the positions and strategies of major LNG players into our existing coverage of LNG assets and market fundamentals.

The LNG Corporate Service delivers comprehensive data on LNG assets and contracts, commercial insights into the LNG market, and direct access to our in-house experts — all of whom have a deep understanding of gas dynamics around the world.

You will receive:

  • Executive summaries
  • SWOT analyses
  • Summary of each company's LNG strategy
  • Details on LNG assets (gas into LNG, liquefaction, regas, shipping)
  • Supply-demand balances: contracted LNG supply, committed LNG, pipeline position and flexible LNG portfolio
  • Assessment of how companies make money from their LNG position: pricing, destination flexibility, pipeline portfolio, hedging position and access to market, among others
  • Risks and uncertainties including 240+ assets with detailed operating and capital cost models, and fully auditable and transparent calculations
  • 13

    company reports

  • Quarterly

    benchmarking analysis

  • In-Depth

    analysis of LNG portfolio player positions & strategies

Designed for you

Learn how LNG Corporate Service can help.