LNG Service & Tool
Asset-level reports and data on every field, plant, ship, and terminal to form a deep understanding of key projects and markets around the world
Asset-level reports and data on every field, plant, ship, and terminal
The LNG industry is complicated, commercially challenging, and opaque. With significant capital at stake, it is important to ensure you have easily accessible, up-to-date information and data to take the best course of action.
LNG Service and Tool gives you access to asset level data, with an intuitive visualisation tool, to guide you through the constantly evolving LNG landscape and make smarter strategic decisions.

Features and workflows
Data and analysis to better understand how assets are positioned in the market and how markets influence assets.
Key features of Wood Mackenzie's LNG Service & Tool:
- Access to the industry-leading LNG asset dataset.
- Reports on every field, plant, ship, market, and terminal around the world.
- Global contract database.
- LNG shipping details.
- Access to expert analysts.
Wood Mackenzie's LNG Service & Tool provides data on:
LNG assets
- Individual reports and data on every field, liquefaction terminal and regas report.
- Includes history, forecasts, commercial structure, costs, contracts and valuation data.
LNG markets
- Individual reports and data on every LNG import market.
- Includes infrastructure, demand contracted/uncontracted balances, key companies, market structure, and policy.
Leverage LNG contract analysis
- Global contracts data including contract pricing assumptions
- LNG contract data and analysis only available from Wood Mackenzie.
Regularly updated trackers
- Track new project start-ups, FIDs, and contract trends.
LNG shipping
- Long term shipping demand outlook and data on costs, charters, orders, and deliveries.
Wood Mackenzie's LNG Service & Tool enables a number of key workflows including:
LNG marketing & trading / LNG origination
- Screen market opportunities by understanding size and location of markets, competitive landscape and market trends.
- Analyse regasification capacity, utilisation, contracts, and tariffs for existing and planned terminals.
- Understand LNG shipping availability, fleet details and shipping costs.
- Evaluate LNG supply and demand on a monthly and annual basis.
Financial / Investment analysis
- Analyse production, cost, revenue, commercial structure, and value of all LNG liquefaction projects & fields which supply them.
- Understand LNG demand at a market level and what factors will affect how demand evolves.
- Stay on top of key trends in new supply project FIDs, regas terminal developments, contracts, FSRUs and FLNG projects via our tracker and overview reports.
Corporate strategy
- Screen market opportunities by understanding size and location of markets, competitive landscape and market trends.
- Evaluate and benchmark company asset and country positions.
- Stay on top of key trends in new supply project FIDs, regas terminal developments, contracts, FSRUs, and FLNG projects via our tracker and overview reports.
Why choose WoodMac's LNG Service & Tool?
Comprehensive: With reports on every field, plant, ship, market and terminal around the world our service offers unparalleled detail and depth.
Integrated: Our LNG forecasts are aligned with our regional gas and upstream products. This provides a consistent and considered Wood Mackenzie view.
Transparent: Our clients get full access to our analysts for ad hoc discussions and custom presentations, plus visibility on the full range of assumptions that feed our models.
Frequently asked questions
Here you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have on Wood Mackenzie's LNG Service & Tool. If you have any other questions, get in touch.
Wood Mackenzie’s LNG Tool provides visualisations, filtering, and excel download capabilities for all our annual LNG data in an interactive tool.
Lens Gas & LNG Assets Discovery is also available for customers to Visualize, screen, and benchmark Gas & LNG assets in our powerful cloud-based data analytics platform.
The outlooks, overviews, and reports available through LNG Service and Tool are updated annually. The trackers and tool are updated quarterly.
Customers also gain access to presentations and ad hoc insights as they are published by Wood Mackenzie analysts.
Your success is our success
Gain direct access to our analysts & industry leading research to keep ahead of market trends and dynamics. Delivering a quick turnaround on requests and queries, consider us an extension of your team!
Contact an expert
Unlock more market insights with asset analysis. To see how LNG Service & Tool can help you to navigate the evolving LNG landscape, get in touch with one of our experts today.

Gas, LNG & The Future of Energy Conference
Join us from 10-11 June 2025 in London for expert industry insight on the challenges and opportunities for the sector.