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North American Oil Pipeline Tariffs

Embed pipeline tariff data into real-time arbitrage and netback calculations, and pipeline operator performance indices.


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Tariff rates for oil pipelines across North America

Our oil pipeline tariff data provides access to tariff rates for oil pipelines across North America. These tariffs serve as key drivers of pipeline flow rates, pipeline operator performance, regional differentials and netbacks. 

Using oil pipeline tariff data, traders, analysts, investment banks and physical players can more accurately determine arbitrages, operator performance and more. When paired with our proprietary crude oil pipeline flow data, fill a critical gap in analyzing the midstream oil markets in real time with our pipeline tariff data. 

Clients can preview and download PDFs of source tariff documentation, available via the Oil Portal and RESTful API.

Features at a glance

  • Tariff data for North American crude oil pipelines including: origins, destinations, committed and uncommitted rates, heavy crude premiums and effective dates
  • Access to our tariff database, which includes data and tariff PDFs accessible via our oil portal and RESTful API along with full historical crude pipeline tariff data starting from October 2018
  • RESTful API updated on an ongoing basis based on anticipated tariff renewal dates or as new routes emerge

Designed for you

  • Review tariff data for major pipeline routes in North America, including cancelled, active and proposed tariff rates
  • Calculate arbitrages between production regions, storage hubs and demand centers
  • Determine the most cost-efficient shipping routes for crude oil across North America
  • Include tariff data as an input into asset valuations and netback calculations