North American Crude Oil Fundamentals Report
Leverage our data and expert commentary to understand up-to-date fundamentals in key North American crude markets.
The North American crude market landscape is constantly evolving as the industry works to handle supply and demand changes. US and Canadian markets are increasingly relevant on the global stage as regional supply, midstream infrastructure, and export capacity tie North America to international markets.
Be informed on how upstream, midstream or downstream changes may constrain or de-bottleneck the supply chain.
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Learn how the North American Crude Oil Fundamentals Report can help.
Weekly updates and commentary
Be aware of factors driving the North American oil markets. Receive weekly updates on oil storage, pipelines, refinery operations, waterborne and rail transport, and commentary highlighting fundamentals and market trends.
Crucial data for informed decisions
Get a weekly snapshot of the most important data related to key crude hubs including Cushing, the US Gulf Coast, West Texas and Western Canada.
Unique insights
Our report includes data-driven commentary, which discusses pipeline flows, storage data, rail volumes, waterborne loading data and refinery capacity utilisation data across key hubs in North America.