Wood Mackenzie Chemicals Portal

Thank you for registering as a new user on the Wood Mackenzie Chemicals Portal.

Here are some useful tips to get you started:

Alerts and Preferences

Homepage and email alerts are driven from preferences. Select from industry focus, content, regional focus, companies and peer groups. Amend "My Preferences" at any time to update content and frequency of alerts.

Themes, Reports and Insights
Select Themes to view content by industry or topic. Reports & Insights allows browsing by Asset, Company, Commodity and Country. Search reports, insights and data by keyword.

Analyst Connect
Click the analyst name within a report to ask a question or provide feedback.

Help & Support
Click here for a video intro to the portal. For further videos and user guides on specific tools and content, click ? once logged into the portal.

Wood Mackenzie Mobile App
Enjoy instant access to subscribed industry analysis wherever you are, whenever you want. Download now.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact our Client Helpdesk.

Contact Details

Client helpdesk

Asia Pacific
+65 6518 0888

+1 713 470 1700

+44 131 243 4477