Lens Gas & LNG

Empowering decisions with an integrated global view connecting markets and assets

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Lens Gas & LNG

Empowering decisions with an integrated global view connecting markets and assets


More than just data

Industry leading integrated data is at the core of Lens. The enhanced visualizations, tooling, and modelling capabilities in Lens Gas & LNG allows users to develop analysis and insight by quickly and efficiently understanding how assets and portfolios are positioned in the context of the market, how markets influence investments, and how assets and policy drivers change market outlooks.

Data and functionality designed to derive insights and support workflows


Detailed data, consistent to the most granular level, combined in a single, curated view with market reports that cover all demand sectors and supply types.

Unique market model

A market model unlike anything else available. Easy to use, fast, robust and built upon Wood Mackenzie’s detailed analysis.


Regional detail that builds an interconnected global view incorporating assets, market analysis, and modelling insights that empower decisions

Wood Mackenzie expertise

The best market intelligence available backed by Wood Mackenzie's expertise in key regions, markets, and sectors with specialist models and analysis.

Decision intelligence like never before

Lens analytics-ready data and integrated workflows include a range of sectors and focus areas across the integrated natural resources value chain. Whether you’re evaluating global upstream oil and gas assets or analysing projects in clean energy, we’ve got you covered.

How can the gas and LNG industry help solve the energy quadrilemma?

Gas, LNG & The Future of Energy Conference

22-23 October 2024, London, UK

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