Commodity Market Report

Global Thermal Coal Strategic Planning Outlook H1 2024

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The global thermal coal seaborne market is entering its declining journey though it still has some life with the energy transition delayed. However, demand faces a terminal decline by the end of the forecast - a shadow of its former self. While current operating supply is enough to meet demand, the market enters an interesting phase were new projects will be required despite a declining demand profile. Suppliers face real hurdles to bring new projects on including ESG, financing and permits risks. Looking past the price fireworks of 2022, prices look to settle into a range supported initially above marginal costs but a looming overcapacity will see prices under pressure. Longer term, prices must rise to support critical project development

Table of contents

  • Key assumptions
  • 2024 Global Thermal Coal Strategic Planning Outlook - at a glance
  • Report name change

Tables and charts

This report includes 4 images and tables including:

  • H1 2024

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Global Thermal Coal Strategic Planning Outlook 2024 To 2050 1 Main Report.pdf

    PDF 1.37 MB