Asset Report

Saudi Arabia other fields (sub-commercial)

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This analysis lists the discoveries in Saudi Arabia that have yet to be developed. There could be a number of reasons for these fields remaining undeveloped such as the reserves being too small to justify development, remoteness of the field or poor gas quality.Saudi Arabia has a very large-scale oil and gas industry and traditionally the giant or supergiant oil and gas discoveries have been prioritised for development. Over recent years, however, Saudi's ever-increasing demand for ...

Table of contents

  • Summary and key issues
  • Location maps

Tables and charts

This report includes 3 images and tables including:

  • Summary and key issues: Table 1
  • Wider Saudi Arabia
  • Eastern Area

What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Saudi Arabia other fields (sub-commercial)

    PDF 7.22 MB

  • Document

    Saudi Arabia other fields (sub-commercial)

    XLS 72.50 KB