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LNG: 2024 in review
Uncertainty and disruption characterized much of 2024 for the LNG industry. Global gas and LNG gas prices rallied and fell based on rumour alone. T...
Trump’s Executive Orders brighten US LNG industry outlook
As promised when a candidate, President Trump, on his first day in office, signed a barrage of Executive Orders that changed US policies across man...
Oman LNG - Oman LNG - commercial overview
The Oman LNG project in Oman is a 2-train LNG development operated by Oman LNG. The Oman LNG commercial overview outlines the project development a...
Oman LNG - Sur LNG - commercial overview
Sur LNG is a proposed 3.8 mmtpa liquefaction facility to be located in Sur on the northeastern coast of Oman. The single-train facility will share ...
Arctic LNG-2 - Commercial Overview
The Arctic LNG-2 is an integrated project located offshore near the remote Gydan Peninsula in northern West Siberia. The three-train project's plan...
Oman LNG - Qalhat LNG - commercial overview
The Oman LNG Train 3 (Qalhat) project in Oman is a 1-train LNG development operated by Oman LNG. The Oman LNG Train 3 (Qalhat)commercial overview o...
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