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Global Gas & LNG Weekly Summary: 9 July 2021
Global Gas & LNG Exec Summary: Includes the latest weekly fundamentals and pricing, covering European gas, US gas and LNG markets, tracking any unf...
Q1 North America LNG projects update: cash boost for US developers
2021. This is despite any significant commercial progress in more than twelve months. What gives them so much confidence? • Venture Global has secu...
Spot or Contract? Evolving LNG contracting strategies and their impact on the market
LNG Contract prices have fallen as the market grapples with the up coming over supply. However, rather than locking in more contracts, buyers are b...
SPEC LNG Terminal
In February 2014, Grupo Termico (a thermal power group comprised of the three power plant offtakers with capacity at SPEC) selected the Sociedad Po...
Global Energy Summit 2021: Can CCS reduce the emissions of new LNG supply?
This is the first LNG presentation delivered at Wood Mackenzie’s Global Energy Summit – Focus Week: Gas & LNG, on 5 October 2021. LNG is one of the...
Global Gas & LNG Weekly Summary: 13 August 2021
Global Gas & LNG Exec Summary: Includes the latest weekly fundamentals and pricing, covering European gas, US gas and LNG markets, tracking any unf...
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