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Iron ore markets - short-term outlook - February 2021
The iron ore boom continues. This month saw the spot 62% index hit $175/t, its highest since September 2011, while the 65% index hit $200/t, just $...
Global zinc short-term outlook March 2021
The zinc price consolidated its position at close to the $2800/t level in March, creeping a little higher than last month. In the absence of macro-...
Global lead short-term outlook February 2021
Lead's disappointing performance in February lagged behind the general rally in base metal prices. Despite gaining 4% in value and briefly hitting ...
Sweden: A likely trailblazer for green steel
Sweden has excellent renewable energy resources, vast iron ore reserves, and industrial heritage for innovation. These enabling factors form an env...
It’s déjà vu as China experiences more aluminium smelting power shortages
After experiencing unprecedented power constraints and capacity suspensions in 2021, China is again plagued by power shortages. Since July, Sichuan...
Farnborough 2022: the return of aerospace
At this year's Farnborough Airshow, meeting companies in the metals supply chain confirmed that special alloys demand is getting back to normal aft...
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