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East Coast Australia kicked off winter 2022 with an early cold snap and unprecedented energy crisis. Gas, coal and electricity prices sky rocketed....

Commodity Market Report

Reservoir levels in Brazil are at 40% at the end of June (SECO is at 29%). In the following months, reservoir levels will be below historical minim...

Commodity Market Report

Henry Hub gas prices continue their rally with near record June warmth, a record storage reclassification, and TETCO southbound flow constraints. C...

Commodity Market Report

Henry Hub remains resilient, despite a slight moderation of forecasted warmth. Even with the higher prices, gas burns remain on par with last year’...


Strong LNG imports continue to break records chasing persistent concerns over Russian supply disruption and weak Asian demand. Storage injections s...

Commodity Market Report

A record EIA gas storage reclassification, record June warmth forecast, and extended TETCO southbound flow constraint rallied the prompt NYMEX July...

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