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Recurring Briefing

Wood Mackenzie's Q3 2019 Global Wind Turbine Order Analysis report presents an analysis of global and regional wind turbine order activity in the s...

Market Report

This report analyses global wind turbine trends including Levelized Cost of Electricity reduction methods, blade growth strategies, rotor control s...

Market Report

This report analyses the global wind power service market and strategies including O&M market opportunities, service strategies of leading asset ow...


This insight considers the impact of FERC's controversial December 2019 MOPR ruling and the subsequent ongoing implementation process, including FE...

Commodity Market Report

Henry Hub moved below $2 in January as hopes of a return to normal winter fades – It’s the lowest prices since spring 2016 and lowest during Januar...

Commodity Market Report

Henry Hub moved below $2 in January as hopes of a return to normal winter fades – It’s the lowest prices since spring 2016 and lowest during Januar...

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