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Australia coal project tracker Q2 2022
New large-scale coal project development in Australia remains challenging due to lengthy approval timeframes and financing/ESG constraints. However...
Appalachian Resource Company coal mines
Appalachian Resource Company operates one underground mine and two surface mines in Central Appalachia and one underground mine in Northern Appalac...
Happy days in coal country: back in the money!
The coal mining industry was slow in 2016 to increase production in response to demand stimulation. The slow response caused a substantial increase...
Metallurgical coal quarterly price roundup Q1 2017: Early settlement protects sellers from falling spot prices
After the prolonged delays for Q4 2016 contracts, the Q1 2017 negotiations were over in a flash. The extreme volatility and uncertainty, as well as...
Low-heat Powder River Basin coal faces tenuous market projections
Generally, low-heat PRB coals must be sold at a discount to compete with PRB coals with higher heating content. The discounted pricing is due to a ...
Horse Creek coal mine
This report has downloadable files containing asset level detail for this coal mine or coal mine project. The aim of Wood Mackenzie's coal mine ana...
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