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October is a seasonal low for China's gas market. Overall gas demand expected to grow by 5% in October, with LNG imports up by only 15%. But concer...

Commodity Market Report

Qatar is currently the world's largest exporter of LNG, with a nominal production capacity of 77.2 mmtpa (103 bcm/year). LNG production dropped by ...

Commodity Market Report

West Africa is an established LNG supply region. There is 23.8 mmtpa of existing LNG export capacity however, reliability of exports has been poor....

Commodity Market Report

Wood Mackenzie's view on the physical fundamentals of the Indian gas market, including how low prices are impacting demand and the outlook for dome...

Multiclient Report

TCPL's proposed 10-year toll is tailored to Canadian producers to combat concerns around takeaway capacity, but will producers be able to justify t...


Wood Mackenzie's Principal Power Analyst, Dr. Bikal Pokharel, presented at the POWER-GEN Asia conference held in Seoul, South Korea on 20-22 Septem...

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