
Wood Mackenzie at ERTC

Empowering the Downstream Industry with Technological Solutions for a Resilient and Sustainable Future

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About the event:

We are proud to be an official sponsor of ERTC 2024, Europe's largest downstream event for refiners and petrochemical stakeholders. 

We hope to see you there to discuss the short, medium, and long-term issues affecting the downstream industry in the energy transition.

If you would like to request a meeting with one of our experts, please fill out the form.


Wood Mackenzie speaking engagements:

Refining remains resilient, but Europeans must lead the transition

Tuesday 12th November | 9:20am

Alan Gelder, Vice President, Chemicals & Oil Markets

It’s not plain sailing, as Europe’s carbon policies burden its downstream sector, putting a timeline on many companies' strong commercial performance. Now is the time to plan! During this presentation Alan will explore:

  • How can refiners profitably adapt to Europe’s energy transition?
  • What are the competitive advantages of integrated sites, the economics of HVO/SAF production and key success factors for eFuel production?


The size of the RFNBO opportunity for European refiners

Wednesday 13th November | 3:55pm - 4:20pm

Ozzy Jegunma, Senior Research Analyst, Oils & Chemicals

During this presentation, Ozzy will explore:

  • EU legislation provides a strong impetus for RFNBO uptake, especially in hard-to-abate sectors.
  • The growing RFNBO demand requires significant investment, but the key question is where should that be? 
  • Considering the resources required and RFNBO production costs, how well placed are European refiners to be competitive in a global market? 

Our experts

Ozzy Jegunma

Senior Research Analyst, Oils & Chemicals

Ozzy's team covers regulatory structures, investment, supply, demand and pricing for fuels and feedstocks.

View Ozzy Jegunma's full profile