
Webinar | Regional vs. Northern Sands: Is The Permian Proppant Debate Over?

Choosing more localized sources of frac sand can reduce cost, ultimately improving economics, which is top priority in a capitally disciplined world. 

On Tuesday, August 27th at 10am CST/ 11am EST our US Lower 48 research analysts shared our latest findings on whether switching to regional sands is the right way to go.

If you missed this webinar you can watch the recording on-demand and learn about:

  • Overview of regional sand completions performance.
  • A look at the two most active Permian drillers and how much they could be saving annually from using in-basin sand.
  • Detailed type curve analysis for hundreds of wells drilled in key geographies.
  • Which companies have been aggressively changing to regional sands.

Rob Clarke, Research Director
Anuj Goyal, Research Analyst


Webinar available on-demand:



Our webinar is available on-demand. Watch now!