
ThoughtWorks' Tech Radar at WoodMac

ThoughtWorks' Tech Radar is coming to WoodMac.

ThoughtWorks' Tech Radar is coming to WoodMac

We are excited to announce that ThoughtWorks' Tech Radar is coming to WoodMac. Make sure to join us in Edinburgh on Wednesday 30th October for a first-hand presentation of the latest Tech Radar. ThoughtWorks publish the "Tech Radar", their free (opinionated) guide to the latest techniques, tools, platforms, languages and frameworks.

"We build it, research it, test it, open source it, write about it, and constantly aim to improve it—for everyone. The TAB (Technology Advisory Board) is a diverse mix of senior technology leaders who come together to create the Radar."

Please save the date on your calendar and be sure to join us to find out more about the blips, quadrants and the rings. 

For a pre-session read, please visit ThoughtWorks Tech Radar here and prepare your questions in advance. Don’t forget to subscribe to stay on top of tech trends!



6.30 - 7.00pm - Registration

7.00 - 8.00pm - Tech Radar presentation 

8.00 - 9.00pm - Networking