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North America Crude Market Solutions

Invaluable North American crude oil value chain coverage with short and long-term outlooks

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Connect the dots on the rapidly evolving role of the US crude production in global markets

The global crude landscape is shaped by US crude oil production flowing into international markets. We provide you with context and crude oil analysis of the entire US crude value chain – from upstream production, midstream infrastructure, downstream demand centres and crude price trends – so that you can make smarter operational, logistic and investment decisions. 

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The sun is setting behind a row of oil tanks.

Features and workflows

The industry's broadest and richest data, covering the entire value chain across different horizons.

Key features of North American Crude Market Service: 

  • The monthly supply analysis and the impact driven by the above-ground events. 
  • Analysis of what is currently driving the North American market. 
  • Insights into upstream and downstream utilization at a regionally aggregated level. 
  • Forward-looking midstream asset utilization forecasts, associated market narrative and pricing implications. 
  • Access to insights, reports and our global team of Wood Mackenzie analysts.

Wood Mackenzie's North American Crude Market Service provides data including: 

  • Monthly forecasts of US and Canadian supply, midstream fundamentals, and regional crude differentials over the next 18-24 months. 
  • Annual forecast of North American oil supply, midstream asset utilization, investment forecasts and crude differentials to 2050. 
  • Detailed asset level utilization forecasts for all major North American long-haul pipeline to 2050. 
  • Breakout of L48 production by region, including monthly production and rig forecast by key play. 
  • Data for all price, supply and asset utilization forecasts in easy to navigate excel workbooks and visualization tools. 

Wood Mackenzie's North America Crude Market Solution covers key workflows including: 

Long-term forecasting 

  • Go beyond pricing, weaving together the pipelines, rail and water movement outlooks with the supply and demand centres. 
  • Access oil storage numbers two days ahead of the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA)

Why choose WoodMac’s North American Crude Market Service?  

With forecasts for crude pricing, pipeline utilization and hub flows (volumes and quality) and export terminal volumes, our North American Crude Markets Service aids operation and logistics planning, as well as investment decisions. 

Frequently asked questions

Here you’ll find answers to the most common questions you may have on Wood Mackenzie’s North American Crude Market Service. If you have any other questions, get in touch. 

Our service provides short/medium and long-term forward outlooks at a minimum monthly cadence, as well as weekly analysis of what is currently driving the North American market, with historical data from 2014.

Our long-term outlooks include webcasts, reports, and excel data​, while our short-term outlooks include monthly reports and excel data.

Contact an expert

Access broad value chain coverage with weekly updates perfectly filling the gap between monthly short-term outlooksfor a complete view of market fundamental drivers. Connect with us today to discover how you can leverage our service. 

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A female engineer walking dow the exterior steps of a fuel tank, at a chemical plant.