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Do you want your megawatts connected or delivered?

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This is an exciting time for the utility industry. While reliability is still the hallmark of this 125-year-old industry, the movement towards sustainability is quickly exposing several parts of the current utility operating model in need of updates. Central generation is becoming distributed; power flows are bi-directional, and perhaps most importantly, the participation of the customer is fast becoming central to how a utility needs to operate. Of note, a customer that owns any distributed energy resources (“DERs;” rooftop solar and electric vehicles are two prime examples) is now also a participant in the grid, willing or unwilling.

In this paper, Generac Grid Services explores the rapid growth of DERs, partially driven by government incentives and the remainder by altruism and growing concern over our home planet. Download this paper to learn about:

  • the standard approach: "Megawatts Connected"
  • a different approach: "Megawatts Delivered"
  • partnering: the need for allies in the DER ecosystem
  • should you be connecting or delivering megawatts?

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