Modern curved architectural white bridge, against a backdrop of a river and mountain landscape on the left.

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Wood Mackenzie is pleased to announce its acquisition of Genscape, a global provider of real-time data and intelligence for commodity and energy markets.

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A roundup of the latest news and views from Wood Mackenzie’s global team of analysts, tailored to your industry and interests, in your inbox. The Inside Track features Ed Crooks' analysis of the forces driving the week's biggest stories: Ed Crook's Energy Pulse

What it’s about 

In recent weeks, our natural resources experts have answered the following questions:

  • What role will ammonia play in global hydrogen trade? 
  • Will 2022 be a buoyant year for upstream M&A activity?
  • Gas and LNG: predictions for 2022

inside track preview

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    The latest natural resources news

  • Views

    The expert view on industry trends and outlook

  • Peers

    Insights from leaders in your industry

  • Events

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Modern curved architectural white bridge, against a backdrop of a river and mountain landscape on the left.

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