
The Energy Gang podcast: exploring the great American climate bill

Congress is passing the largest-ever US climate bill. What does it mean for the world?

1 minute read

It was the shock heard around the world this week: Senators Joe Manchin and Chuck Schumer’s joint reconciliation bill, the Inflation Reduction Act.

It’s passed the Senate, but the House remains. Will it pass, and what’s in it? On the Energy Gang podcast this week: Ed Crooks is joined by Amy Myers-Jaffe from the Fletcher School at Tufts University, and Paula Gant from GTI Energy. GTI Energy is a leading research and training organisation focused on developing, scaling and deploying energy transition solutions.

The Inflation Reduction Act is a US$739 billion bill, which includes roughly US$370 billion in energy and climate spending. Is the bill an indication that the energy transition is finally gaining the momentum it desperately needs, and what new technologies will benefit from it?

Next up the gang’s attention turns to a specific focus of the legislation: the proposed investment in fuels and how electricity costs will be lowered by changes to the energy supply chain. There’s also discussion on biofuels: what is IH2 technology and what companies are betting on transitions to hydrogen?

This episode of the Energy Gang is brought to you by Hitachi Energy, a global technology leader advancing a sustainable energy future for all.

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