Nacho García-Lajara
Senior Research Analyst

Nacho is a Research Senior Analyst based in Madrid. He is heavily involved in Wood Mackenzie’s Europe gas fundamentals and infrastructure view, with primary responsibility for the South Europe regional outlook and domestic markets analysis.
His focus areas include supply-demand forecasts, market policy, and the role of gas in South Europe energy transition. Nacho regularly presents to Wood Mackenzie’s global client base while leading and collaborating on major updates, reports and insights including both long and short-term view.
Previously, Nacho was part of Enagás’ Markets and Capacity Management team, with responsibility for TSO booking and auctioning processes, new LNG/transmission infrastructure commercial development and reporting to National/European Regulation Authorities on market behaviour. He joined Wood Mackenzie in 2024.
B.Sc., Chemical Engineering, Rey Juan Carlos University
M.Sc. with Honours, Industrial Engineering, Rey Juan Carlos University