Commodity Market Report

Great Britain power market long-term outlook: May 2023

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*Please note that this report only includes an Excel data file if this is indicated in "What's included" below

This report presents our May 2023 long-term outlook for the Great Britain power market. The market report and dataset provide projections out to 2050, commenting on market trends and the changing dynamics of price formation. This outlook incorporates Wood Mackenzie’s Q1 2023 commodity price forecasts and our latest technology outlooks. The report includes capacity projections, supply-demand analysis, market prices, and technology capture prices. A commentary on key takeaways is also provided, along with a summary of changes since our last publication. Annual summary data and a more detailed hourly dataset are provided in the accompanying data files. In addition we add a new, long-format data file, lending itself more readily to automated data extraction. This outlook will also appear as a distinct case in the Europe Power Tool.

Table of contents

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Tables and charts

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What's included

This report contains:

  • Document

    Great Britain Long Term Power Market Outlook May 2023.pdf

    PDF 12.05 MB