
Macro Oils short term outlook

Key takeaways and report brochure

1 minute read

About the report:

Wood Mackenzie's Macro Oils Short Term Outlook provides:

  • Short term oil price forecasts and analysis of the factors that will influence macro oil price in the short term
  • Supply, demand and market analysis from our global team of experts, and understand the risks to our current outlook.

This edition of the report will look at:

  • Our latest price forecast
  • How quickly and how far US L48 supply will fall
  • Which non-OPEC regions will suffer most
  • The scale of production increases from Saudi Arabia, UAE and Russia as the OPEC+ deal falls apart
  • How the duration of COVID-19 containment measures will impact global oil demand?
  • When you purchase the outlook you are entitled to our post-OPEC meeting insight report free of charge. Use code OPECfree at checkout.

Report contents:

Included in the purchase of this report are:

  • 14 page PDF document that contains Executive Summary and written content covering Prices, Supply, and Demand
  • 39 page slide deck with detailed charts and key insights 
  • Excel spreadsheet with the following data in tabs
    • Prices
    • Supply demand
    • World demand
    • Regional demand
    • OPEC supply
    • Non-OPEC supply
    • US L48 Production
    • US rig count
    • GDP


Complete the form to download the report brochure:

  • Table of contents
  • List of figures
  • Sample figures
  • Purchasing information

The full report is available for sale in our report store.