Aluminium outlook reports
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Aluminium outlook reports
How will Xiongan New Area affect metals demand in China?
The Chinese government announced plans to create Xiongan New Area, a state-level new area south of Beijing. Although a detailed plan has yet to be ...
Major diversified miners: where is the risk?
To understand the relative risk exposure of the major diversified mining companies, we have combined Wood Mackenzie’s Metal and Mining Tool's corpo...
Indonesia's 2019 elections: 5 things you need to know
Indonesia’s 193 million strong electorate head to 800,000 polling stations dotted across the archipelago state on 17 April to simultaneously elect ...
Gansu Hualu (Baiyin) aluminium smelter
As one of the oldest aluminium smelters in China, Baiyin plant utilised 140 cells relocated from Showa Light Metals' Chiba smelter in Japan. The sm...
Irkutsk (S) aluminium smelter
Irkutsk operates both Søderberg and prebake cell technology. Wood Mackenzie’s asset reports are built from the bottom up, incorporating a number of...
Zhengzhou aluminium smelter
The Zhengzhou smelter was permanently closed in 2010. Wood Mackenzie’s asset reports are built from the bottom up, incorporating a number of granul...
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