Macro oils outlook reports

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Macro oils outlook reports

Commodity Market Report

North America gas markets short-term outlook: Calm before the storm?

After trading much above $4/mmbtu, the prompt Henry Hub gas contract has calmed a bit and is back under it. The March/April 2022 spread premium has...

Commodity Market Report

North America gas markets short-term outlook: No vacancy

Excess gas is having trouble finding a home as storage facilities are starting to put out “no vacancy” signs. Even with structural production decli...

Commodity Market Report

North America gas markets short-term outlook: Tenuous path ahead for Summer 2021 gas prices

After a roaring cold February, March is proving disappointing to gas market bulls. Unsurprisingly, the April prompt contract continues to lose grou...

Commodity Market Report

North America gas markets weekly update: a new hope

What has changed since the start of 2021 in North America gas markets? • Short-term weather forecasts regained some heating degree days, if only to...

Commodity Market Report

North America gas short-term outlook: Winter price premia added back quickly

Henry Hub prompt month gas prices rallied quickly to $2.70/mmbtu after continuing its summer spiral downward barely above $2.00/mmbtu in early Augu...


North America gas webinar: highlights from H1 2018 long term outlook

Supply continues to dominate the market landscape for the foreseeable future as the pecking order of low-cost basins continue to evolve. Permian an...

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