Coal power outlook reports
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Coal power outlook reports
Sprint or marathon: China provincial renewable power competitiveness report 2019
China is expected to supply over half of power demand growth in Asia Pacific in coming decades as it expands its lead as the largest power market i...
Algeria energy markets long-term outlook 2019
Algeria is at a crossroads as it confronts the reality of a tightening market balance. The two most important resources – oil and gas, will need to...
Egypt energy markets long-term outlook 2019
The wheel has turned for Egypt's gas market, shifting from deficit to surplus in record time. Further monetisation options are becoming critical to...
Europe gas and power markets short-term outlook Q1 2019
Coal-to-gas switching levels become the key feature of European gas price setting through 2019 and 2020. With the level of Russian flows into Europ...
Europe gas and power markets short-term outlook Q2 2020
Market conditions in the European gas market have continued to deteriorate. All of Europe's major piped suppliers are suffering from the lack of ma...
Europe gas and power markets short-term outlook Q3 2019
Concerns are mounting over Europe's ability to absorb an expected uptick in LNG come October as storage levels have already hit 90% utilisation. 1 ...
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