Left Header Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas consectetur, tortor sed tincidunt euismod, lectus justo mollis est, sed venenatis elit elit nec est. Curabitur hendrerit nulla vitae justo vehicula blandit. Vivamus blandit vulputate elit. Suspendisse eget dui at nulla ornare tristique in quis nulla. Ut aliquet velit leo, eget laoreet ipsum eleifend vel. Curabitur sodales porttitor lorem in finibus. Ut interdum ex eget ultrices commodo. Maecenas nisl metus, blandit a luctus in, malesuada non ante. Quisque non tincidunt lorem. Nulla ultrices lorem ac mi ultrices, sed gravida ante vehicula. Morbi imperdiet diam leo, sit amet pellentesque urna volutpat a. Nunc tellus ipsum, imperdiet sit amet rhoncus placerat, maximus sed libero. Proin dictum urna vitae leo feugiat pellentesque

Button Text

This is a body copy block where the title is on the left hand side while the actual core text is on the right side of the panel.

This is simply a way to display content in a different way than a usual body copy block.

As the left hand side is largely empty except the title at the top, it is recommended that not too much content is added to the right hand side, as it shall leave a big empty section of white space on the left of the screen. The example above is towards the upper limit of how much content you should add.


  • Left Header - Header text that appears on the left hand side
  • Right Body Copy - The body copy that appears on the right hand side
  • Button Text - Text for the CTA that appears at the bottom of the right body copy text. Do not fill this out if you do not want a CTA to show.
  • Button URL - Link for the CTA that appears at the bottom of the right body copy text. Do not fill this out if you do not want a CTA to show.
  • Toggle Background Colour (found under the Layout Blocks tab) - Switching this option on will make the background a light grey colour.


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