Title Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas consectetur, tortor sed tincidunt euismod, lectus justo mollis est, sed venenatis elit elit nec est.

cta text link

Title Text (Video left with fallback image showing)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas consectetur, tortor sed tincidunt euismod, lectus justo mollis est, sed venenatis elit elit nec est.

cta text link

This is a block for displaying Wistia or Youtube videos. The styling is specific to the branding of Lens products, and as such should only be used when you want to display a video on a page related to Lens. Otherwise, this should not be used.


  • Wistia Embed Code - The ID for a Wistia video. Do not enter if you want to use a Youtube video.
  • Youtube Embed Code - The ID for a Youtube video. Do not enter if you want to use a Wistia video.
  • Copy - The set of text that appears alongside the video. It is recommended to keep this short and too the point, as otherwise, it will force the panel behind the video to grow in height, and doesn't look quite as good.
  • Title - The text that appears above the copy.
  • Layout - Choose whether you want the video to be on the left or the right.
  • Fallback Image - If the video cannot load for whatever reason, instead of leaving an empty space, the fallback image shall be used.
  • Background Image - Image that spreads across the background. It's preferable to use a larger landscape image for this, as it will fit better to the screen/won't warp as much.
  • CTA Link Url - Link for button at bottom of text. Don't fill in if you do not want a CTA.
  • CTA Button Text - Text for button at bottom of text. Don't fill in if you do not want CTA.

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