Left Header Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas consectetur, tortor sed tincidunt euismod, lectus justo mollis est, sed venenatis elit elit nec est. Curabitur hendrerit nulla vitae justo vehicula blandit. Vivamus blandit vulputate elit. Suspendisse eget dui at nulla ornare tristique in quis nulla. Ut aliquet velit leo, eget laoreet ipsum eleifend vel. Curabitur sodales porttitor lorem in finibus. Ut interdum ex eget ultrices commodo. Maecenas nisl metus, blandit a luctus in, malesuada non ante. Quisque non tincidunt lorem. Nulla ultrices lorem ac mi ultrices, sed gravida ante vehicula. Morbi imperdiet diam leo, sit amet pellentesque urna volutpat a. Nunc tellus ipsum, imperdiet sit amet rhoncus placerat, maximus sed libero. Proin dictum urna vitae leo feugiat pellentesque

Right Header Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas consectetur, tortor sed tincidunt euismod, lectus justo mollis est, sed venenatis elit elit nec est. Curabitur hendrerit nulla vitae justo vehicula blandit. Vivamus blandit vulputate elit. Suspendisse eget dui at nulla ornare tristique in quis nulla. Ut aliquet velit leo, eget laoreet ipsum eleifend vel. Curabitur sodales porttitor lorem in finibus. Ut interdum ex eget ultrices commodo. Maecenas nisl metus, blandit a luctus in, malesuada non ante. Quisque non tincidunt lorem. Nulla ultrices lorem ac mi ultrices, sed gravida ante vehicula. Morbi imperdiet diam leo, sit amet pellentesque urna volutpat a. Nunc tellus ipsum, imperdiet sit amet rhoncus placerat, maximus sed libero. Proin dictum urna vitae leo feugiat pellentesque

A body copy block which allows you to place two columns of text side by side.

In most cases, a standard body copy block should suffice.

However, this block can be good for making copy more appealing than one item after the other.

For example comparisons. You could have key points about product 1 on the left, and key points about product 2 on the right.

It can also be useful to break up text; you could for example, place key bullet points in a right hand side column, while leaving the core text in the left hand side column.

It would not be recommended to use multiple "Narrow Double Body Blocks" one after the other if being used purely for paragraphs of text content, as this can make the flow of the page confusing for users.


  • Left Header - The header for the left hand side column
  • Left Body Copy - The main text for the left hand side column
  • Right Header - The header for the right hand side column
  • Right Body Copy - The main text for the right hand side column


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