2018 Living with Plastic Packaging Conference

  • London, United Kingdom
Our love/hate relationship with plastic has shifted noticeably in recent months towards hate. As pictures and news stories of the growing environmental problems associated with plastics - specifically plastic packaging - have become more frequent, consumers are now demanding to see real change. Wood Mackenzie's team of experts will be providing context and data on how we can carry on "Living with Plastic Packaging". Join us in London to hear about the advantages and disadvantages of plastic packaging, what alternatives exist and the opportunities we have to reach a sustainable future. Gain insights on what will impact the industry in the years to come. Register today!


  • 06 November 2018

    • Registration

    • Welcome & Introduction

    • Packaging in the environment

      The role of packaging – do we actually need it? An overview of global packaging volumes and values by region and packaging format e.g. glass, plastic, metal, cartonboard etc Historic trends and inter-format substitution – why has the marke Read More...

    • A circular plastics economy

      Who will burden the costs of a circular plastics economy? Despite the negative perception of plastics; their efficiency, versatility and performance mean finding viable alternatives will be difficult. The intention for change is widely sup Read More...

    • Session 1 - Q&A

    • Morning coffee break

    • The rise and rise of polyester – the most cost effective and versatile polymer.

      Why is polyester so cost effective? There are no better materials – how do we live with polyester? Bio-based polymers great in theory but far away from economic reality, how economics have prevented the introduction of bio-based polymers.

    • Cost implication of environmental technologies

      Critical assessment of the commercial issues when delivering innovative (e.g. environmentally friendly) solutions. Cost implications of delivering recyclable alternatives to common specifications in our industry. Techniques and tools to mit Read More...

    • Session 2 - Q&A

    • Networking lunch

    • Compostable plastics in single use applications

      Introduction to Certified compostable plastics Examples of thermoformed and injection mouled packaging articles being compostable Benefits and advantages of compostable plastics for packaging

    • The role of recycling in plastics – where polymers are showing the way

      Does recycling provide the solution for end of life plastics? Plastic packaging offers many benefits but is the backlash due to rising pollution damaging the future for plastics? PET recycling, an example for all?

    • Session 3. Q&A

    • Afternoon coffee break

    • Flexible packaging is claimed to be a viable solution, but to what problem?

      Flexible packaging helps reduce waste volumes significantly but also adds to the recycling problem - Case study stand-up pouches How can plastics producers improve the flexible packaging supply chain? Will there be a long term viable flexible packaging solution that meets everyone’s environmental objectives?

    • Review of the day

    • Drinks reception


Conference Registration
