Russia Waterborne Crude Service
Get an accurate, up-to-date view of Russia waterborne crude movements to and from destinations across the globe. Use our research to understand key supply volumes of marketed grades and assess how changes to trade flows will influence the pricing and value of Russian crude streams.
With our Russia Waterborne Crude Report, track the latest tanker movements of Russian crude exports. Get transparency into weekly load volumes, impact of reduced flows into Europe, trade flow changes and location of distressed cargos awaiting orders. Analysis of our waterborne data can be used as a leading indicator for changes to Russian upstream supply volumes in the absence of monthly Russian Ministry data.
What is the Russia Waterborne Crude Service?
The combination of our industry expertise, terrestrial and satellite data, and Wood Mackenzie Vesseltracker’s AIS network allows us to offer a comprehensive weekly view of Russia waterborne crude flows.
Access to this service will provide you:
Weekly export data. We leverage our Vesseltracker data to provide an accurate weekly data feed of Russian crude exports. By leveraging our market intelligence and carefully tracking every vessel, we can correctly estimate true volumes of crude exports by grade.
Extensive regional coverage. Loadings tracked from key regional ports, including; De Kastri, Kalingrad, Kozmino, Murmansk, Novorossiysk, Prigorodnoye, Primorsk and Ust Luga.
Ship-to-ship transfers captured from key loading locations off Skagen, Malta, South Korea and more discreet locations.
Extensive crude coverage. Russian export crude blends covered include - Arco, Condensate, ESPO, Kaliningrad, Novy Port, Sakhalin Blend, Siberian Light, Sokol, Urals and Varandey.
Coverage of non-Russian crudes loading at Russian ports – including Azeri Light, CPC, Kirkuk Blend, Kurdish blend.
Fully benchmarked crude exports data against monthly loading schedules and known pipeline flows to ensure data accuracy and consistency.
Combine access with Vessel Tracker Cockpit to asses real time updates, positions of vessels, status of all vessels and live destination alterations.
load terminals covered
crude streams tracked
non-Russian crudes loading at Russian ports
- Evaluate weekly exports by grade, load and discharge location and track destination changes
- Assess changes to trade flows and how this will influence the pricing and value of Russian crude streams
- Gain an independent view on how exports of different grades are changing to help identify market opportunities
- Understand key supply volumes of marketed grades to use for trading decisions and tactical asset optimisation