Products & services

Metals & Mining Concentrates Services

Validate your commercial strategy with comprehensive insights and data on metal concentrates and intermediate products.

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Unlock robust intelligence on metal concentrates and intermediates products

The mining industry is increasing efforts to decarbonise, from resource extraction to processing and refining raw materials, to build sustainable critical infrastructures for a low carbon future. Navigate this ever-evolving industry landscape with a detailed view of metal concentrates flow from mines to smelters and refineries.  

Our services make it easy to get:

  • Capacity forecast on global concentrates supply and demand balances.
  • Insights on geopolitical factors impacting concentrate prices, competitors' strategies and benchmark against assets, peers or country.
  • Concentrates tool with granular data of concentrates availability, shipments by mine, and individual smelters & refineries shipments received.

Build your business resilience:

  • Strengthen contract negotiations with reliable short, medium and long-term treatment and refining charges (TC/RC) forecast.
  • Obtain a comprehensive analysis on emerging trends around the world. 
  • Assess and mitigate risks in selling concentrates where there are no terminal markets.

Metals & Mining Concentrates Services suite of products:

Gain insights into global concentrates supply and associated risks with a detailed view of supply and demand balances, prices, and capacity forecasts.


Leading analysis on the dynamics of nickel concentrate, intermediate markets and their impact on future capacity requirements.

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Comprehensive view of copper concentrate supply, encompassing the journey from mine to smelter and the production of refined copper.

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Robust analysis of lead concentrate supply that enables concentrate mapping and supply source analysis.

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Holistic view of zinc concentrate supply covering concentrate balances, trade flows, assays, and treatment and refining charge forecasts.

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Leading analysis on the dynamics of nickel concentrate, intermediate markets and their impact on future capacity requirements.

Comprehensive view of copper concentrate supply, encompassing the journey from mine to smelter and the production of refined copper.

Robust analysis of lead concentrate supply that enables concentrate mapping and supply source analysis.

Holistic view of zinc concentrate supply covering concentrate balances, trade flows, assays, and treatment and refining charge forecasts.

Contact an expert

We provide comprehensive insights and data on base metal concentrates from mine to smelters and intermediate products to refineries. They are driven by our deep expertise and well-established relationships with producers to bring you a holistic view. Contact our experts to learn more about Metals & Mining Concentrates Services.

For details on how your data is used and stored, see our Privacy Notice.
A pile of stack steel rods.