A worker is grinding metal with sparks.

Refineries Cost

Insight into operating costs, allowing comparative analysis and forecasting.

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Our Refineries and Smelters Cost Services are essential sources of information for metals producers and consumers, banks, organisations considering the construction or acquisition of metals smelters or refineries, industry contractors and governments of countries hosting metals production sites.

Subscribers have access to detailed cost analysis of all the world’s major refinery and smelter operations, representing over 90% of global metals output. In addition to the regular reports, tools and models delivered through Wood Mackenzie’s portal, subscribers have access to event driven Informs, topical Insights and to analyst.

Refineries Cost

Bespoke consulting advice

Shifting demand brings significant challenges to the metals and mining industries. Governments,  banks, fund managers, commodity traders and mineral processors want to know where the greatest value can be found. Our expert metals and mining consultants can advise on numerous questions and strategies.  

 Find out more 

Chris Heath, Vice President, Metals and Mining Consulting

Explore our latest thinking in Refineries Cost
